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Professor Vassiliev's Biography

Vassiliev Vitali Nikolayevich,prof
Doctor of Biological Sciences (aerospace medicine),professor, a distinguished figure in neuroendocrinology of Russia, author of more than 300 scientific publications, including articles,monographs, books, textbooks, manuals, patents, etc., and a number of popular-science publications.
While Working since 1968 in the areas of objectivization and prognostication of effects of stresses, of sport and aviation medicine, diseases of civilization (hypertension, peptic ulcer, other medical problems), neuroses, and other nervous and mental diseases he has developed a universal and highly sensitive adrenogram method with the aid of which he succeeded in identifying in 1974 among patients with infantile cerebral paralysis a new syndrome - triad (new disease, its mechanism and a method for a 100% reversal), its term the

Shosina-Vassiliev syndrome having been made official by the USSR State Committee on Inventions and Discoveries in 1985 and by the USSR Ministry of Health in 1987.
In 1987 the Vassiliev's syndrome - triad was identified by him among patients with demyelinating diseases. The syndrome is also 100% curable. These syndromes have come to be widely described in the international scientific medical literature as well as in hundreds of newspapers in Russia, USA, Italy and other countries, highlighted through broadcasting by television in a number of countries.
On the basis of adrenogrammes a method has been developed having no analogues in world medicine, for diagnosis and treatment of certain nervous and mental diseases considered to be incurable, referred to as the method of biocorrection according to Vassiliev. This method brings about natural restoration of impaired functioning of the nervous system with effectiveness being at least 50-75% in some 20 year and beyond follow-up. Responding to biocorrection are such affections 0 as cerebral, post-traumatic, post-infectious and other kind paralyses, a wide spectrum of neuromuscular diseases among which there are myopathies of any kind, demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and other ones, as well as epilepsy, autism, dyslexia, mental retardation, etc. In many cases they succeed in achieving social significance of patients when they are not only able tomanage single-handed in their everyday lives having learned self-care skills and become independent but also start speaking, walking, working, going to school/studying in a college, settle down in life acquiring a home and family, and so on. Some of them have even become scientists, Candidates of Science.
The method gives us grounds for creation of habilita-tive-rehabilitative-adaptive center for incurable patients, where they could combine course of biocorrection with studies, mastering medical and other professions in order that they might work themselves at such a centre and where, together with them, their parents often suffering from neuroses could improve their health.
During the 1980s such a centre was already being formed on the basis of the Ail-Union Center of Medical Care Delivery to Patients with Paralyses of the USSR Ministry of Health in Moscow, its director having been Professor Vassiliev. Disintegration of the USSR wrecked what had already been done, and Professor Vassiliev was compelled to go abroad where he worked for some years at medical and rehabilitative centres in different countries (Spain, Italy, and other ones) where his method of biocorrection of a wide spectrum of paralyses was taken as a basis of work.
Professor Vassiliev is the European Trade-Unions "Caval-lino D'ORO" Prize laureate in the field of medicine and the International Film Festival Mirabella (Italy) prize-winner for his achievements in the treatment of multisclerosis.

In Russia and on Ukraine there have been created international associations of Professor Vassiliev's patients. His work met with most heartfelt approval from Madre Teresa di Calcutta whose acquaintance he made as for back as 1988 and who in 1997, shortly before her death, had written a letter-blessing to him.
Since 1998 Professor Vassiliev has been working in Ukraine, at the Kiev Medical-and-Social Centre "Raiduga" where his method of biocorrection patented in Russia, Spain, Italy is taken as a basis of work and where he is chairman of the international research-medical Council at the very same Centre which is an assembly of distinguished scientists in the field of medicine from Ukraine and other countries as well.

Rome, 24 May 1997 Dear Vassiliev,
- In the meantime offer your sufferings to Jesus for the good of all the sick people. I want you to be sure of my prayers and those of my sisters. May Our Blessed Mother be a Mother to you in this special time and help you to become closer to Jesus.
Madre Teresa